Canned Food
This is one of those categories of food that generates a lot of questions and has myths surrounding it. On this page, we hope to answer some of your big questions, and thoughts around canned food. Feel free to reach out if you have more questions.
Our canned food is a unique combination of flavors that will add a fantastic zing to any meal. Each is made using a traditional Amish recipe, and is packed with flavor! Our selection is very unique and focuses on foods that are rare and enjoyable!
Why can food?

Canned food is packed with nutritional value, is filled with flavor, and allows fruits and vegetables year round even when you can’t garden. According to the Canned Food Alliance, Canned food often provides nutrients at a lower cost than fresh, frozen and dried forms. Food cans seal in freshness, flavor and nutrition and protects food from outside contaminants. Canned produce is nutritionally on par with fresh and frozen options, and in some cases, even better. The canning process preserves food naturally!
Can I get sick from canned goods?

All of our canned food is made using traditional Amish recipes, but are packaged in a professional packing plant where they have a commercial kitchen specifically designed to keep you safe. It is highly regulated by the health department to ensure the canned food is heated to the right temperature and sealed properly.
How long will canned goods last?

Canned food (when kept at a relatively stable temperature) will remain at peak quality for at least two years after it’s been processed. The guidelines note that while food in cans “retains its safety and nutritional value well beyond two years,” its color and texture may change after that time. Many factors affect how long a food will stay edible in the can, but food kept at “moderate temperatures (75 degrees or below)” may last indefinitely. The best by date helps indicate the freshest time the food stays filled with nutrition and color. If the lid has damage, or the seal on the lid has been broken, probable best to throw it away.
Myth- Canned foods are a high source of added sugar and sodium.

This is definitely a myth! Current recommendations from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans advise people to consume less than 10% of total calories per day from added sugar and less than 2,300 milligrams (mg) of sodium per day. You’ll be pleased to know that only 2% of added sugars in the American diet is from veggies and fruits, including canned varieties. And less than 1% of the sodium in the American diet is from veggies of any form.
You can drain and rinse the contents of regular canned veggies or beans to reduce sodium. Research suggests the sodium content may be reduced by about 36% by draining and about 41% by both draining and rinsing canned beans.
Myth- Fresh produce is always nutritionally best.

Not always! When fresh produce is picked at its seasonal best, it’s chock full of nutrition and flavor. When it’s not at peak ripeness—or when it’s not so fresh anymore—it’s not at its peak of nutritional value and flavor. Canned produce relies on peak-season fruits and vegetables, so you can count on it being at its nutritious and flavorful best. Once produce is picked, it gets canned within hours. And there’s more! The heat used in canning can improve availability and quality of certain nutrients. A couple nutrients enhanced through the canning process include lycopene and beta carotene. Also, research finds that regular consumption of canned vegetables and fruits is associated with higher overall nutrient intakes. So, do eat fresh seasonal produce. Eat canned fruits and vegetables, too.
Source: Canned Food Alliance